Quiz Answers

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1.  Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time.

Done right, networking builds relationships, which in turn result in increased

2.  A recent survey showed that only 6% of CEOs actively participate in networking events. Our theory is that participation is low because the benefits received from traditional networking are low. Sure, many networking meetings are inexpensive in dollar cost. However, these meetings are time intensive and bore little fruit for
survey participants.

3.  A recent survey of business owners showed that nearly all networking was done to increase sales.

4.  Over 80% of CEOs said “Talking with other business owners” was the most significant benefit of traditional networking. However, a significant portion of the CEOs said that many networking events did not have a significant number of other CEOs in attendance.

5.  87% of survey participants said networking meetings had too many of the wrong people in attendance. This lead to business owners feeling overwhelmed by salespeople and higher levels of discomfort.

6.  Over 90% of survey participants picked All of the Above.

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Tim Rushenberg
Tim Rushenberg
CEO, SRI Incorporated

Level 7 Un-Networking