Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to join Level 7?

Owners, Partners, and Sales Executives are eligible for membership in Level 7.  It is important that the group have similarity of business interests.  That is, they are like-minded business people.   Level 7 is designed for businesses whose customers are other businesses (B2B).  Occasionally, we do make exceptions for executives in B2C businesses that would be valuable members of Level 7.


How much business can I expect to gain from my membership?

We have no idea.  You should not join Level 7 solely to get business.  It is this short-cutting the relationship-building process that has destroyed networking meetings.  Everyone wants to skip the know, like, and trust-building process and skip right to the money exchange.  It doesn’t work.   At Level 7, we hold steadfast to what does work: build relationships, and the business will come later. 


How long has Level 7 been in business?

Our company has been in business since 1990.  Level 7 is a new venture started in 2010.  We work with small-to-medium businesses around the country and saw a need for this type of group.  After planning and strategizing for most of 2009, Level 7 was born.


Where are the meetings held?

Level 7 partners with Sullivan’s Steakhouse for in most of our meeting cities.  Some cities may meet at similar type locations such as Ruth’s Chris. However Sullivan’s is our preferred partner. Members can also choose to host meetings at their locations to build a deeper understanding of the business.


Are salespeople allowed to join?

Yes.  The ultimate goal of Level 7 is to grow the business of each member company. As long as each member buys into the Level 7 philosophy and lives by it, any member who can contribute to the group is welcome.

 I hate that uncomfortable feeling I get at networking meetings, walking around feeling like I am butting into conversations, is Level 7 different?

Level 7 was designed for people that hate networking.  You sit in assigned seats with the same people each month.  You will never feel uncomfortable at a Level 7 meeting.  We don’t even use name tags.  You don’t need a name tag when you know someone.


How often does the group meet?

Most Level 7 groups meet once per month on the 2nd Friday 7:30 am – 9:00 am, but members can mutually pick the most convenient time for meetings.


What is the group size?

Maximum group size is 15 members. 


Do you allow competitors in the same group?

No.  This would destroy the trust-building process.


Is there a contract?

No.  Level 7 believes in accountability for members and for our organization.  Membership is on a quarterly basis.  You are free to leave at any time.  However, since competitors are not allowed in the same group, many industries have waiting lists.  If you exit a group, even for a short time, your spot could be filled and not be available later.

Featured Member

Brad Lindemann
Brad Lindemann
CEO, Ambassador Solutions

Level 7 Un-Networking