Showing Category: unnetworking

Indy Un-Networking April Meeting

Nothing beats a great steak shared with fellow business owners.  Our topic of conversation was “The 24 1/2 Hour Workday.”  Like all Level 7 meetings, the goal of the meeting was meaningful conversation between the business owners, and not just a presentation.  The business owner Un-Networkers shared many ideas and best practices.  They seemed energized and ready to implement the positive changes.

Long Sales Cycles Require Relationships

Everyone has heard the term relationship sale.  However, many of us quickly forget that relationship sales require a relationship.  The definition of a relationship is someone that knows, likes, and trusts us.  In order to gain the most difficult of these, trust, we must give relationships time.

Trust building takes time and repetition.  Flipping a business card to someone does not build trust.  In fact, done the wrong way, it builds distrust.  My advice is to stop flipping cards and start building trust.  This means more than just “give first, get second.”  It means having meaningful conversations about something other than how you can do business together.

Charlotte Un-Networkers March meeting

48 Charlotte business owners enjoyed a presentation by the author of “The 4 Hour Work Year” today.  Some of the big take-aways were:

  • I am settling for far less from myself than I thought
  • I am grossly under-leveraging my core talent
  • By implementing a couple of the tactics, I could double my income
  • I needed a good fire up and this did the trick
  • I had a hard time coming up with my take-aways, but the other business owners at the table had some great ideas. By hearing what they wanted to do, it got me to the ah-ha I needed.
  • I met a couple great business owners today
  • I love Un-Networking!

Indy Un-Networkers January Meeting

52 Indy business owners enjoyed a presentation by the author of “Return on Energy” today.  Some of the big take-aways were:

  • I am grossly under-leveraging my key reports
  • By implementing a couple of the tactics, I could remove myself from several monthly tasks
  • I needed a good fire up and this did the trick
  • I had a hard time coming up with my take-aways, but the other business owners at the table had some great ideas. By hearing what they wanted to do, it got me to the ah-ha I needed.

Is Un-Networking Really Different?

The answer is yes.  For instance, our Indianapolis un-networking group has created connections that simply cannot be done in a transactional networking environment. By focusing on building trust instead of names on a list, the network of un-networkers has grown.  From that network, invaluable business connections are created and leveraged into sales.

If you would like to join us for a sample Un-Networking meeting, visit the Be Our Guest page.

What is the value of your network?

Cornerstones of Un-Networking

Featured Member

Diane Bardach-Beck
Diane Bardach-Beck
President, Bardach Awards

Level 7 Un-Networking